Crazy Train CF, West Palm Beach, FL

Crazy Train CF, West Palm Beach, FL

Crossfit Palm Beach, Jupiter, FL

Crossfit Palm Beach, Jupiter, FL

Cat 5 Crossfit

Cat 5 Crossfit

Deuce Gym

Deuce Gym

Crossfit Invictus

Crossfit Invictus

"I just wanted to say Thanks for such a great class. Lots of info that my brain is trying to remember, but the handouts are great. You are super knowledgeable, and have a wonderful way with people and made me feel comfortable the entire time. (it could be potentially intimidating to not only be the only female, but the oldest in class too, but I never felt awkward!) Anyway, the class was a great experience!"   Laura Villandre Marina Del Rey, CA

"Our athletes and coaches got a ton of useful information from Dr. Steve's course. Information that will surely keep them safe, make them stronger, and better athletes. We look forward to putting his teachings to work every day and making our entire gym better." - Tony Frezza, Owner, CrossFit Palm Beach

"I really wanted to thank you for a great experience. I really learned a lot! I have had a number of PRs the past few weeks in the gym and its definitely not a coincidence from when I started the class." John Federspiel, Culver City, CA

“Great information and interactive demonstrations for the time frame. There is a lot to cover with mobility, but this course provided a great philosophy for addressing improving mobility.Simon, Tequesta, FL 

“I'm finding over my years of training that mobility is far more important than anything else in the fitness world. Strength endurance agility will all come much faster with mobility. Dr. Steve, you brought mobility to a new level. Thank youJay Wilbur, Jupiter, FL

“The hands on was definitely was the best part. It allowed us to accurately know what he was instructing so we can use that in the future.” Mike Fratt, Palm Beach Gardens, FL