Prehab2Perform University

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Prehab2Perform University


Prehab U is very unique in that the curriculum is 6 weeks long and class will meet once a week during the 6 week duration. Each class itself runs approximately 1 hour long and will be very hands on and interactive.  The intention of the seminar is to give the attendee specific mobility drills and prehab exercises that are easy to understand and easy to remember long after the class is over.

The classes will be broken down into weeks:

  1. Intro into Prehab U and Anterior Chain/Back Squat
  2. Spine Safety and Posterior Chain/Deadlift
  3. Proper Front Rack Positioning, wrist/elbow and Front Squat
  4. Shoulder/T-spine mobility and Overhead Positioning
  5. Overhead Squat Mechanics
  6. Core Stability and Summary

Unlike most seminars, homework will be assigned and constant feedback will be provided during the entire 6 weeks via email, in person, or over the phone. This significantly improves the athlete's retention and ability to use all of the valuable information provided. The student will leave with the necessary tools to stay healthy, perform at a higher performance level, and also be able to help coach others who may have a breakdown in movement patterns. This class will, without a doubt, get you on track to achieving your athletic genetic potential. 

What previous participants have said:

"Our athletes and coaches got a ton of useful information from Dr. Steve's course. Information that will surely keep them safe, make them stronger, and better athletes. We look forward to putting his teachings to work every day and making our entire gym better." - Tony Frezza, Owner, CrossFit Palm Beach

“I'm finding over my years of training that mobility is far more important than anything else in the fitness world. Strength endurance agility will all come much faster with mobility. Dr. Steve, you brought mobility to a new level. Thank you” Jay Wilbur, Jupiter, FL

"I really wanted to thank you for a great experience. I really learned a lot! I have had a number of PRs the past few weeks in the gym and its definitely not a coincidence from when I started the class." John Federspiel, Culver City, CA

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